Its true that makeup enhances beauty but what's better than natural glowing skin . Girls / women use different cosmetic products & creams for glowing skin but unfortunietley  didn't get the expected results. .
If you want a naturally glowing skin then include some exercises in your daily routine . Actually daily workout enhances blood circulation , flow of oxygen & helps to burn calories . If you think that exercises are only for muscles then you are wrong because exercise helps to make  skin flawless & glowing .

The best for glowing skin is to drink a lot of water throughout the day . Half of your skin related problems would be solved if you drink water in appropriate amount . Reason behind this is that when you drink lots of water , toxic substances pass out through urine & sweat & hence , problem of pimples , dead skin , dryness & acne are reduced to a great extent.


For naturally glowing skin you need to add some facial exercises along with other exercises because face muscles works less as compared to rest of the body's muscles . Fat on face is reduced by doing few exercises which sharpens your features , tightens & glow  your skin . Blood circulation is improved that brings glow to your face .
Some of the exercises are - Smooch , Puff Cheeks , Balloon shape , Eyebrow exercises etc . Doing these your face muscles will stretch  which reduce fine lines & wrinkles to a great extent .


Breathing exercises are beneficial for both face & rest of the body . If you regularly do these like 
Anulom -Vilom , Pranayama etc , they reduce stress , improves blood circulation along with glowing skin .Do these 5 times at once & then you can increase its time to 15 minutes .[]


Nothing is better than these three exercises for a glowing skin . This cardio workout is best to get glow .These helps to improved blood circulation + body releases toxic substances through sweat & also dead cells are  repaired .


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